IDEX™ colorimetric test kits are the most convenient single-use kit on the market. Each one is self contained, has a long shelf-life, identifies a specific HME precursor – and can be carried in a shirt pocket. For these reasons, E.L.I.T.E.™ test kits are used on battlefields by military EOD teams and by police bomb squads to identify suspected explosives-making chemicals.
IDEX™ enhanced colorimetric chemistry is unique, giving the user easily discernible colors and false-positive rates lower than other currently available test kits, instruments and even K-9s. There are no known false-negatives. Any soldier or policeman can be trained in a few minutes. When the color on the tip matches that on the tube: POSITIVE.
IDEX™ kits generally react to precursor chemicals immediately or in a few seconds. The user doesn’t have to worry about losing components, or replacing or recharging batteries as the tests are self-contained. Simple, rugged and reliable.
IDEX™ is intelligently designed. Even the packaging can be used to transport and protect a sample of material for later analysis.
There are currently thirteen types of IDEX™, each a test for a different type of precursor of explosive, including tests for aluminum and iron.