Mini-Seis III Pro™ (4 or 8 channel)

Mini-Seis III Pro™ (4 or 8 channel)

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Mini Seis III
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The Mini-Seis III Pro is the ultimate vibration monitor. It is suitable for geotechnical, environmental, blast monitoring and more. It features sampling rates of up to 16K over 4 or 8 channels. There is also a 128K single channel sample rate. The unit has a 16 bit dynamic range and is very low power.

Recording modes include waveform, histogram, histogram/waveform and manual. The waveform record duration can be set from 1 to 120 seconds at all sample rates. The histogram period can be set at 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 900 seconds.

Data can be downloaded to a computer or thumb drive using high speed USB. Remote access by RS232 with baud rates up to 460800 is supported. The unit has over 3.5 GB of memory and can store up to 4096 waveform and histogram records.

The user interface is simple and easy to navigate. Soft keys provide additional options depending on the screen being viewed.  Optional GPS is available to store location coordinates and provide highly accurate clock syncing.

For advanced monitoring the instrument supports the use of non-standard sensors. White can provide a hardware interface for accelerometers, strain gauges, hydrophones and nearly any other AC or DC coupled sensor.

Multiple units can be connected together in a master-slave arrangement where the master unit triggers all of the slave units simultaneously. This feature provides a common time base useful for determining propagation velocity, structure phase response and more.


General Channels Standard - three seismic channels and one acoustic channel. Optional – three additional seismic channels and one additional acoustic channel (8 channel model). Support is available for non-standard sensors. Seismic Range Standard 260 mm/s (10.24 in/s). Other ranges may be customized at the factory. Resolution 0.008 mm/s (0.0003 in/s) depending on the range. Frequency Range (ISEE) 2 to 250 Hz at 1024 sample rate as per ISEE Seismograph Performance Specifications for Blasting Seismographs 2017 Edition. The upper frequency limit is 1/4 the sample rate. Frequency Range (DIN) From 1 to 315 Hz. Accuracy (ISEE) Conforms with ISEE Performance Specifications for Blasting Seismographs 2017 Edition. Accuracy (DIN) DIN 45669-1 Standard. Transducer Density Approximately 2.01 g/cc (125 lb/ft3 ) Acoustic Weighting Linear overpressure. Range 0.0156 Pa (0.000156 Mb) depending on range. Frequency Range 2 to 250 Hz at 1024 sample rate as per ISEE Seismograph Performance Specifications for Blasting Seismographs 2017 Edition. The upper frequency limit is 1/4 the sample rate. Linear Accuracy Conforms with ISEE Performance Specifications for Blasting Seismographs 2017 Edition. Timer Allows an instrument to be active only during selected times on a daily basis. Communication High speed USB or serial. Storage Capacity Up to 4096 waveform and histogram records of any duration. External Data Storage Write to USB thumb drive. System Log The system log tracks on/off times, changes to setup parameters and system operation. Operating Modes Waveform, histogram, histogram/waveform and manual. Data Reporting Waveform and histogram events can be reported without needing to deactivate the current operating mode. Data Retrieval Data can be downloaded without requiring deactivation of the current operating mode. GPS Optional integrated GPS stores location information in the record summary Waveform Modes Waveform Standard mode used for blast monitoring and discrete transient event monitoring. Manual Trigger from the keypad or an external switch. Simultaneous Triggering Using a combination of manual and triggered modes, multiple units can be connected in serial for simultaneous triggering. Multi-Level Triggering Three trigger levels allow for the use of warning lights and sounds. Sample Rate 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384 samples per second per channel over 8 channels. Also 65536 and 131072 samples per second over 1 channel. Duration 1 to 120 seconds at all sample rates. Pre-Trigger 1 second at 1024 sample rate. The pre-trigger time decreases proportional to the sample rate. Minimum Trigger Level Seismic 0.254 mm/s (0.01 in/s) depending on range. Linear Acoustic 88 dBL depending on range. Downtime Between Events None at all sample rates. Dynamic Sensor Test With the exception of the single channel and non-standard sensors, a dynamic sensor test is performed at the end of every event in waveform mode.

Histogram Modes Histogram Standard mode for recording discrete measurements from continuous and semicontinuous sources. Histogram/Waveform A waveform is recorded while the histogram is running when one of the trigger thresholds is met or exceeded. Sample Rate 1024, 2048 or 4096 samples per second over 8 channels. Sample Period 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 seconds and 15 minutes. Data Stored Channel peaks, their frequencies and optionally the vector sum. Histogram Interval The histogram interval determines how long a histogram will run before deactivating and starting a new histogram. From 1 to 12 hours or 0 which starts a new histogram at midnight. Reporting General Reporting requires an approved remote access device capable of port forwarding TCP data. The reporting can be provided by the White Reporting Service™ or handled by the user with the appropriate version of the White AutoReceive™ software. Waveform Mode With reporting activated, after a recording, the seismograph will output a string of characters consisting of the unit serial number and other information. Histogram Mode With reporting activated, after a histogram is made inactive, the seismograph will output a string of characters consisting of the unit serial number and other information. Physical Size Approximately 15 cm. x 11.5 cm. x 9 cm. (6 in. x 4.5 in. x 3.5 in.). Weight Approximately 1.6 Kg. (3.5 lbs.) without accessories. Battery Internal 6.0 volt rechargeable. Display The high contrast graphics display facilitates the instrument's setup. It also allows the operator to view operating parameters and summary data. Keypad The keypad can be used to navigate screens and modify setup data. Clock A 24 hour clock maintains the date and time to the second, even if the primary power fails. Operating Time With a fully charged battery the unit will operate from 7 to 10 days at 1024 samples per second. Longer times may be obtained using the timer mode or external power from a solar panel or deep cycle battery. Charging An internal charging circuit allows charging with the supplied plug-in wall mount charger or available 10 to 15 volt DC supply. Power supplies for international use are available. Operating Temperature 0 to 130 degrees F (-18 to 54 degrees C).