Regulated Inflation Cabinet

Regulated Inflation Cabinet

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The new Regulated Inflation Cabinet provides a complete air service for alternative applications to the Underground Hose Reel. Ideal for upholes and other tricky geometry, the Regulated Inflation Cabinet features a internal regulator that will always inflate the BLASTBAG™ or BLASTBALL to the desired pressure.


Simply mount the Regulated Inflation Cabinet on its caddy in an underground mine basket and push the bag to the desired location. Press the large button and the bag will start inflating. Once the flow meter indicates the bag is at pressure, decouple and retrieve the hole.

The Regulated Inflation Cabinet also features a removable filter, ensuring longevity of the product and easy replacement. The Regulated Inflation Cabinet is best used with ANFO to AERO couplings, BLASTBALL™ or BLASTBAG AERO.