The Scorpion S-2 is a compact and rugged light-weight Solid-State Non-
Electric Tubing Ini ator which is specially designed for the redundant and independent
ini a on of two Non-Electric Shock Tube lines at one  me.
To accomplish redundancy the S-2 charges two separate capacitors
each producing 400 VDC and 12 Joules. Then, only if both systems indicate fully
charged, the Fire Control Circuit will allow the unit to fire. When “Detonate” is
depressed the unit commands two separate and independent trigger circuits. If
“Detonate” is not depressed and the “Charge” switch is released the unit will
safely dis-arm and discharge internally.
The Scorpion S-2 also features a newly re-designed compact case and
new Hap c Vibra on alert to indicate the unit is “Armed” in addi on to the red
LED. The unit is completely sealed making it waterproof and impervious to dust,
dirt, sand, and debris. It features EIT's specially developed Shock Tube Connectors
(STC) for Exterior Tube, Electric Discharge Ini a on.
Two guarded pushbu on switches are used
for Charge and Detonate opera ons and the
S-2 is engineered for rapid charging. A
replaceable 9V ba ery provides hundreds
of Charge/Fire cycles. The ba ery loads
smoothly through the side of the unit into a
waterproof compartment secured in place by
an easy-on/off Ba ery Cap. The Scorpion S-2
incorporates 2 a achment points for easy
carrying and accessory op ons.