Item # 8640
Be safe, be prepared with a good stock of our sandbags. Quick action and bags on-hand could save countless dollars in personal and property damage. Our durable sand bags offer Superior 1600 HR UV factor. We offer many sand bag color and size options to meet the demands of our customers. Stock up on these sand bags while time is still on your side!! These white 14"W x 26"L Woven Polypropylene sand bags are an excellent choice when the strongest material is essential for flood control, levee, trench and berm construction. When covered from ultra violet exposure these Polypropylene Sand bags will last almost indefinitely. Prepare for winter flooding and hurricane season with our durable sandbags. Flooding will occur in many areas and cause costly damage and may threaten lives. Have piece of mind knowing you have a supply of life and property saving sandbags available to protect your home, your business and possibly a friend. Flat woven polypropylene durability. Our polypropylene sandbags are available in the following stock sizes for sand bags, and are also used for feed, grain, grass seed, fertilizer, sugar, beans, rice and coal. The tight flat weave of our sand bags is designed to hold and maintain a superior seal for flood control longer than the old style burlap bags. Sandbags can be tied with the cord provided or filled halfway and flap folded over for maximum jointing for levee placement. Sand bag Color: White Our sandbags are used for the following purposes such as for flood control and protection, reinforcing existing dike structures, erosion control, providing extra weight for portable basketball goals and traffic signs, paintball courses, traction for pickup trucks, as well as many other uses. Don't loose precious belongings and jeopardize lives to uncontrolled flooding, stock up on these sand bags while they are still available!! We can supply your sandbag needs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! Immediate shipment of stocked sandbags to anywhere in the continental United States. Our high quality Sandbags are made with Tough polypropylene material with tie closures and have superior 1600 HR UV factor and comply with government and military specifications. (WHITE)</strong